今後のイベントについては、ホームページをご覧ください: https://www.miwatemari.com/
For more information and upcoming events, please visit Miwa Temari main website: https://www.miwatemari.com/


Traditional Japanese temari, adapted to contemporary taste.



Fine silk thread is wrapped around the wool core to create temari base. Division lines are used as guide lines for stitching the pattern.


Each item is carefully embroidered with silk, real silver and gold leaf threads.

Silver threads 銀糸 [gin-shi] are made with real silver using vacuum deposition.

Genuine gold threads 本金糸 [hon-kin-shi] are made with pure gold leaf wrapped around the silk core.

Made in Kyoto.


*刺繍は繊細な性質を持っておりますので、お取り扱いには十分ご注意ください。 糸をこすらないようにしてください。
*湿気や日光を避けて保管してください。 シャワー、入浴、水泳の前にはジュエリーを外してください。 就寝前にジュエリーを外してください。

*Handling with care is advised due to the delicate nature of embroidery. Avoid rubbing the threads.
*Spot cleaning only.
*Please, prevent jewelry from coming in contact with beauty products.​ Sweat and sebum can stain the silk.

*Store away from humidity and sunlight. Remove jewelry prior to showering, bathing or swimming. Remove jewelry before going to bed.

*Silk is a natural material, fading can occur over the years, depending on conditions.

*If your temari ball got deformed in some unfortunate incident, gently press the ball into its original shape.  
*Silver threads: To avoid damaging protective layer and silver, please avoid rubbing the threads, and avoid exposure to high temperatures. Silver can gradually tarnish, caused by natural oxidization. 
*Genuine gold threads: Please avoid rubbing the threads, and avoid exposure to high temperatures.